Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki
Note: This article is about the book. For the fictional shop, see Magic Box.

The Magic Box is the fourth book of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game series. It was originally published in March 2003 by Eden Studios.


Okay, so you're not the one and only Slayer… whatever.

With ancient and powerful magicks on your side, you don't need to be able to bench press a car to fight evil with the best of them. Whether you're a witch, a warlock, a dabbler in the dark arts, a psychic or even a superscientist, you have powers granted to few mortals. 'Course, there's a potential downside… but bad stuff never happens to the good guys. Right?

Here you'll find all the info you need to master your powers and learn how to introduce the monsters to a world of magical hurt. Oh, and there's also some talk of the dark side… just in case…

The Magic Box is a supplement for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game. In it, you will find:

  • A history of magic and the supernatural in the Buffyverse
  • New character creation ideas, Qualities and Drawbacks, and more character Archetypes for witches, warlocks, psychics and other users of arcane arts
  • Descriptions and stats for rituals and items of mystical power from the BtVS TV show as well as a few never seen before
  • Expanded rules for creating new spells and magical "talismens… mans… talisguys"
  • Details on psychic powers and other paranormal abilities
  • A complete Episode featuring a monster that only powerful magic can vanquish[1]

Behind the scenes[]



  1. "Buffy The Magic Box." Eden Studios. Retrieved on May 27, 2018.