Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki
Btvs Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is conjectural.
Discede! (Be Gone!)
―Willow Rosenberg[src]

A Teleportation spell could teleport the target to a different location. Willow Rosenberg and Tara Maclay against Glory. The spell involved chanting, exposing the target to a magical dust and was activated when the caster clapped his/her hands and said the word 'Discede' - latin for "Be gone". A secondary effect of this spell is to provocate a nasal hemorragy.

Willow later used a variation of this Spell to teleport a colossal-sized Dawn right into the main streets of Tokyo to serve as the Slayer Army's "battering ram" against Toru's forces

Dea Pro Mihi, Audite Meus Dico... Patepacio Prodigium Pro Nos Totus!)
―Willow Rosenberg[src]

