Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki

Maybe we should put something in "trivia" about Oz's shirt, which we see about 4:30 into this episode, at the Bronze. It shows two large Chinese characters, the second one in the simplified form, and probably in the Japanese style. The characters mean "big change," and the English word below is "serious."

It seems to me unlikely that any Chinese would use those two characters together without being careful about the context. In Mandarin, they sound exactly like the word for "bowel movement" or "shit," both noun and verb.

I don't remember seeing a Chinese name in the credits, but they must've had somebody on the set who knew Chinese. Perhaps this peson followed Joss to Firefly, where the Chinese language is a recurring theme.

Zhandele 14:39, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Veruca's voice is haunting. Is there any way we could get the musicplayed by her band?Charlie Beth Hayden-Bupp 16:57, September 5, 2010 (UTC)Charlie-Beth-Hayden

Not very relevant to the show, but the pedestrian crossing in which Willow almost get run-over by a car is a little weird. Instead of the series of horizontal parallel lines I am accustomed to, they have two vertical parallel lines on the sides of the crossing. Is it common in the US? (Or does it differ from state to state?) Aa123456f (talk) 09:43, September 4, 2014 (UTC)
