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Shanshu prophecy

The Scrolls of Aberjian

It is an ancient sacred text, written over the last 4000 years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human.
―Wesley Wyndam-Pryce[src]

Angel found the parchment with the prophecies in the vaults at Wolfram & Hart ("Blind Date"). Later, it was stolen by the demon Vocah ("To Shanshu in L.A."), conjured by Wolfram & Hart — the evil law firm needed the parchment in order to perform an incantation and bring vampire Darla from the dead. Angel did manage to kill Vocah; however, the ritual was completed by Lindsey McDonald. Afterwards, Lindsey attempted to burn the parchment, but Angel kept him from doing it by cutting his hand off.

The Prophecies of Aberjian also mention three children, seers; together the children have the power to see into the heart of things, which made them a real threat to Wolfram & Hart. They were each found in different remote locations and brought together by the evil law firm and would have been killed if Angel hadn't intervened. According to the prophecies, they have an important role to play.

A false/planted portion of the Shanshu Prophecy appeared at Wolfram & Hart and is translated by Rutherford Sirk following chaos that has apparently been caused by the presence of two vampire champions with souls- Angel and Spike- at the same time; "The root of the tree will split in two. And each thing will seek nourishment from the buried river." This then leads to the description/location of the Cup of Perpetual Torment, which one of the two must apparently drink from in order to complete the prophecy, all orchestrated by Lindsey McDonald as part of his plan to discredit and discourage Angel.

The original scroll containing the prophecy was at Wolfram & Hart and was signed by Angel (with his own blood), who gave up his chance of one day becoming human again to prove his loyalty to the Circle of the Black Thorn.
