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Melissa Burns was an employee of Pardell Paper Products and a client of Angel Investigations. After her sight was saved in an operation performed by Doctor Ronald Meltzer, she accepted his request for a date, but Meltzer subsequently began to obsessively stalk her, saying that they had 'something special', going so far as to even change her PIN number to the date they met. She ven attempted to issue a restraining order against him, but Meltzer's lawyers- hired by Wolfram & Hart- managed to turn the case around and get a restraining order placed on Melissa.

As she grew increasingly scared and desperate- her fear only worsened by Meltzer's apparent ability to see her when nobody was there-, Angel contacted her with an offer to help, Melissa agreeing to hire him. The truth about Meltzer's abilities were revealed when he sent his hands into her room to 'feel her up'- Meltzer having mastered a psychic surgery that allowed him to detach his limbs while retaining control of him-, but Angel convinced Melissa that they could still defeat him, pointing out that she had survived everything Meltzer had done so far while he was coming unstuck at his inability to control her. Even as Meltzer confronted her in Angel's apartment, Melissa reaffirmed her refusal to be afraid of him before Angel returned to confront Meltzer, taking him apart and sticking him in twelve separate metal boxes. After paying Angel- and thanking him and his team for his help with a plant-, Melissa left the office, saying that she hoped she'd never have to see him again. She was portrayed by Tushka Bergen.

