Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki

Hellions. Road pirates. They raid towns... Use 'em up, burn 'em down. It's usually backwaters, any place... Any place they think is vulnerable.

Hellion was a species of demons that formed a biker gang. They were humanoids with wrinkly skin, sharp teeth, pointed ears, and no nose. In addition, their faces were adorned with tattoos and leather straps attached to their skin.[1]

Hellions enjoyed raiding and looting towns, though only targeted small backwater ones that they considered vulnerable. In their raid, hellions would also take pleasure from others; their leader Razor threatened to a group of women: "We're not going to fight you. We're just gonna hold you down and enjoy ourselves for a few hours. You might even live through it, except that certain of my boys got some anatomical incompatibilities that tend to tear up little girls."[1]

Hellions went after Sunnydale in late 2001 after learning it wasn't protected by the Slayer, but a robotic duplicate.[1] Their raid was shortly taken care of when the real Buffy was resurrected and killed several members, and Tara killed their leader Razor,[2] which prompted the remaining Hellions to hastily leave town.[3] Spike stole[2] and kept one of their motorcycles.[3]


Known hellions:


