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Btvs The canonicity of this article's subject remains dubious. Though it doesn't contradict official continuity, it has not been referenced in any confirmed canonical material.

Prophet for Profit, Part Two is the thirty-sixth issue of the Angel comic book series. Written by Bill Willingham and illustrated by Elena Casagrande, it was originally published on July 28, 2010, by IDW Publishing.


When L.A. went to hell, everyone thought things couldn't get any worse. Well, they were dead wrong. Especially now that the new Big Bad is officially out for blood. Meanwhile the magical fall out from The Fall continues to get weirder, and Angel finds himself with more enemies than you can wave a sharp wooden type thingy at.[1]


While Spike and Illyria manage to subdue Liss the soul eater, Laura and the rest of the Angel Investigations team keep Angel away from Liss so that his soul remains safe. Laura asks Angel to run a cold bath and pour Aranthia acid from her office into it while Connor obtains one of Laura's daggers. While Spike and Illyria carry Liss to the bathroom, Polyphemus informs them that the soul eater has fed only one soul and weakened in the time she waited for Angel and Spike. After placing Liss under the acidic water, Laura instructs Angel to cut Illyria's throat with the dagger. Illyria is not afraid of this and tells Angel he should not worry about her. After Illyria's blood is spilled, Laura explains that Illyria's blood is very powerful, the mixture will burn away the soul Liss is still feeding on, and she would eventually go into a resting state and starve to death within a few hours. Illyria demands to be left alone while she tends her wound.

Meanwhile, Ragda of the Sisterhood of Jaro Hull is just outside of the Hyperion with other warriors. They prepare an opposition due to the world being greatly affected by the "old ways." The Sisterhood expects dire consequences should they fail.

Five hours later, Spike and Angel discuss the possibility that Spike may indeed be soulless. Spike admits to feeling "off his game" as of late, and his recent tryst with celebrity vampire Felicia Valentine is brought up as an example. Spike is adamant that he is still on the good side while Angel feels that Spike may be reverting to his fragile mental state when he first obtained his soul. The conversation is interrupted when Dez is attacked by Liss, who apparently was waiting for her moment to strike. Liss consumes Dez's soul and drops her dead body to the ground. Now restored, Liss attacks the rest of the team, knocking a still-healing Illyria into the bathroom wall and striking Polyphemus to the ground. Before Liss could eat Laura's soul as well, Angel beheads Liss and stabs her in the lower spine, effectively immobilizing the soul eater. In the aftermath, Ilyria and Polyphemus are seemingly unharmed, but Angel realizes that Connor is missing.

At the San Fernando Teen Center, Anne Steele is setting dinner for a group homeless teenagers with Myresto Mor, still posing as James, as a guest and the donor of the food. After Anne comments that James must be an angel for all his help, the teenagers start choking on their meals. Realizing the food had been tainted, Anne demands to know what James is up to as she isn't new to the world of demons. James states that she has never dealt with anyone like him before, and he mentions how his plan to impregnate humans with demons is a step process. He then opens up a portal where several demons enter. James tells Anne that he will bring death and rebirth to this world, that pain is enlightening, and this would only be the beginning.


  • Spike declares he earned his soul, referring to him fighting for it in the Demon Trials ("Grave"). He also says he didn't receive it like Angel did when the Kalderash people cursed him with a soul.
  • Illyria complains it took too long for Spike's leg to grow back after he lost it in The Trouble with Felicia.
  • Spike argues he did not lose his soul because he is not like when Angel loses his, as Spike witnessed him with no humanity in "Innocence."
  • Angel mentions that Spike had sex with Felicia Valentine, which happened in The Big Dustup.
  • Spike mentions he had sex with Laura, who reveals she knows Angel had a threesome in his room (Bedroom Follies).
  • Angel complains they never have nice things like "fluffy bunny demons." In the episode "Shadow," Xander said he, just once, "would like to run into a cult of bunny worshipers."
  • Anne is specifically alarmed with the demon portal, as she encountered one years before that led her into hell ("Anne").



Organizations and titles[]




Death count[]

  • Desdemona, soul devoured by Liss.
  • Liss, beheaded by Angel.

Behind the scenes[]




  • In the single issue, the credits page lists the Eddie Hope story using the title of the eighth installment, "Gunn Smoked."




  1. "ANGEL #36." Previews World. Retrieved on October 6, 2023.