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Template:AngelComicBooks Earthly Possessions is a trade paperback collecting comic stories based on the Angel television series.

Angel attempts to drive a demon out of a possessed lawyer; Father Noe is an excommunicated priest- apparently cut off from the church because he refused to play along with the popular line that possessions as depicted in The Exorcist are fictional- who gives him a hand. Noe seems to hold expert knowledge on removing demonic forces. He is known to some as "The Exorcist to the Stars", but Angel becomes suspicious that there is more to his success. The team's investigations are temporarily put on hold by Doyle's death, but a subsequent encounter with a possessed actress prompts Angel to note a comment the demon makes that suggests previous contact with Noe. Using one of Doyle's old contacts, Angel learns that Noe was excommunicated for practising dark magic rather than for exorcisms, the subsequent discovery that he was previously acquainted with both of the people he exorcised the demons from allowing Angel and Cordelia to deduce that Noe is summoning the demons as well as exorcising them. Using a mystical sword enchanted for this purpose, Angel manages to vanquish Noe's demonically-summoned bodyguards, subsequently enlisting Harry to help exorcise the remaining spirits, although Noe manages to escape to England.
