The two versions of the Buffy title card. Seasons 1–2 on the left and seasons 3–7 on the right.
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer title sequence was featured in each episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer television show (save for unaired pilot) presenting the series' cast members, consisting of clips from the show itself.
The complete cast of the series includes Sarah Michelle Gellar (seasons 1–7), Nicholas Brendon (1–7), Alyson Hannigan (1–7), Charisma Carpenter (1–3), David Boreanaz (2–3), Seth Green (3–4), Marc Blucas (4–5), Emma Caulfield (5–7), Michelle Trachtenberg (5–7), Amber Benson (6), James Marsters (4–7), and Anthony Stewart Head (1–5).
The title sequence for each episode ends with a power shot of Buffy Summers or someone in the guise thereof, with the exception of "Superstar," which uses a similar shot of Jonathan Levinson. Interestingly, the power shots for the seasons six and seven sequences are not actually shots of Buffy; season six features a shot of the Buffybot and season seven uses the First Evil in Buffy's form.
The "Buffy" font was created by Margo Chase for the show.[1] In the original logo, "the Vampire Slayer" used the font called "Herculanum," the same used in the title cards. The final logo uses Chase's own typeface, "Kruella," for "the Vampire Slayer" — while the main promotional logo was adapted to accommodate an underlining slash.
Theme song[]
The "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme" is the music played alongside the opening credits of the show. The theme itself has no lyrics; it begins with several notes played by an organ, a signifier for horror in movie culture from the 1930s onwards. This is quickly replaced by upbeat rock music; an electric guitar riff signifies youth culture and a post-modern twist on the horror genre.
The theme was played by the pop punk band Nerf Herder. They explain the Buffy production staff had hired a composer to come up with a theme, but they didn't like the one he came up with. They were on a low budget and asked local bands to come up with theme song ideas.[2] Joss Whedon explained that part of his decision to go with Nerf Herder's theme was that Alyson Hannigan had made him listen to the band's music.[3]
Nerf Herder wrote the original melody before they were asked to submit a demo for a theme tune, which was not written specifically for the show.[4] A second version of the theme was used for the opening titles from season three on. An orchestral version of the track was produced under the name "Main Title" for the musical episode "Once More, with Feeling."
The following is a picture gallery of each season's title cards for the main actors and actresses, for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This is to show who was credited in the main title credits for each season, and to highlight significant cast changes that occurred throughout the series. The only actors and actresses to be credited for all 7 seasons in the opening credits were Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, and Alyson Hannigan, with the former two being the only ones to maintain the same position in the sequence order.
In each season opening, within the first second of animation before the show's logo appears, three texts are shown in rapid succession, blending into each other, blending into the show's logo and into various art effects:
The same text fragments are also used in the animations at the end of each title sequence. Afterwards, the following clips are shown right after the show's logo is presented in quick succession:
Season 1[]
Season 1 consisted of Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy, Nicholas Brendon as Xander, Alyson Hannigan as Willow, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia, and Anthony Stewart Head as Giles.
Clips used[]
- Buffy strikes Marc with her palm ("The Puppet Show")
- Xander and Willow carrying Jesse through the graveyard ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting over a coffin in a crypt ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")
- Darla, in vamp-face, turning her head over to face Buffy ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")
- The gate of Catherine Madison's house shutting ("Witch")
- A stake being clasped in Buffy's hands ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy tipping over a steel table ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison being blasted with wind and a bright light (Clip not featured in "Witch"/screech heard during clip, sometimes louder)
- Buffy and the Sunnydale High cheerleading squad practicing ("Witch")
- The front of Sunnydale High with various student walking around ("Teacher's Pet")
- Buffy smiling at Owen in the school cafeteria ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison's cat leaping out from a box ("Witch")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head over to face Angel ("The Harvest")
- Buffy and Xander closing a steel door as a vampire's hand pokes out ("The Harvest")
- A member of the Order of Aurelius breaking open a bus window ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy crawling inside the ceiling of the school ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Willow opening the school's basement door into a dark stairway ("Nightmares")
- Two tarantulas crawling over a school book ("Nightmares")
- The camera panning over Buffy's face as she is helpless against the Master ("Prophecy Girl")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander pushing through a group of girls ("Witch")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander sitting in the library ("Witch")
- The Master slamming a big book on a lectern ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- The pages of Moloch's book being turned ("I Robot, You Jane")
- Moloch the Corruptor, in demon form, turning his head ("I Robot, You Jane")
- Giles opening a body drawer in a morgue ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison's chamber pot boiling as it's stirred (The sound of the boiling can be heard/"Witch")
- The Sunnydale Razorbacks' basketball team running into the gym ("Witch")
- Buffy popping head her to look through a classroom's door window ("Teacher's Pet")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow taking a seat in the library as she goes on a computer ("Teacher's Pet")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling while sitting down inside the Bronze ("The Pack")
- Xander flashing a torch inside a vent ("The Harvest")
- Buffy and Angel looking at each other at the Bronze ("Angel")
- Andrew Borba rising as a vampire at the morgue ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy, Xander and Willow opening a door inside CRD ("I Robot, You Jane")
- Buffy holding down the Ugly Man ("Nightmares")
- Buffy rising from under the screen (?)
- Willow taking cover by a school desk ("The Pack")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia turning her head in school gym ("Witch")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia talking to Buffy ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia sitting in the school cafeteria ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Cordelia dancing at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting onto the pool table at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- The inside of Sunnydale's underground tunnel system ("The Harvest")
- Angel standing in the shadows after hearing a noise ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")
- Buffy's hand locking a steel door ("The Harvest")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking up to Weirick in his office ("The Pack")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles turning his head towards Buffy in the library ("Teacher's Pet")
- The Master about to break through the mystical barrier in the church ("Prophecy Girl")
- The blade of a guillotine descending ("The Puppet Show")
- The blade of a knife dropping, narrowly missing Buffy's head ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy getting up off the floor in the Sunnydale High auditorium ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy shooting an arrow from a crossbow at the Bronze ("Angel")
- Buffy taking position after getting up (Animations are shown after this clip and before the next/"The Puppet Show")
- Giles, Buffy, Xander and Willow leaving the library (Animations in the middle of and after this clip/"The Harvest")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
Season 2[]
Season 2 saw the addition of David Boreanaz as Angel just after Charisma Carpenter and before Anthony Stewart Head. The opening was very similar to that of the first season, consisting mainly of the same clips from the first season while adding some of the first two episodes from the second season.
Clips used[]
- Buffy strikes Marc with her palm ("The Puppet Show")
- Xander and Willow carrying Jesse through the graveyard ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting over a box in Bric & Broc ("When She Was Bad")
- Darla, in vamp-face, turning her head over to face Buffy ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")
- The gate of Catherine Madison's house shutting ("Witch")
- A stake being clasped in Buffy's hands ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy tipping over a steel table ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison being blasted with wind and a bright light (Clip not featured in "Witch"/screech heard during clip, sometimes louder)
- Buffy seductively dancing with Xander at the Bronze ("When She Was Bad")
- Buffy, Willow and Xander walking down the stairs of the Sunnydale High quad ("Some Assembly Required")
- Buffy smiling at Owen in the school cafeteria ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison's cat leaping out from a box ("Witch")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head over to face Angel ("The Harvest")
- Buffy and Xander closing a steel door as a vampire's hand pokes out ("The Harvest")
- A member of the Order of Aurelius breaking open a bus window ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy crawling inside the ceiling of the school ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Two tarantulas crawling over a school book ("Nightmares")
- The camera panning over Buffy's face as she is helpless against the Master ("Prophecy Girl")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander pushing through a group of girls ("Witch")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander sitting in the library ("Witch")
- Xander flashing a torch inside a vent ("The Harvest")
- Buffy poking her head out of an open grave ("Some Assembly Required")
- Moloch the Corruptor, in demon form, turning his head ("I Robot, You Jane")
- Giles opening a body drawer in a morgue ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy staking a vampire from the back ("When She Was Bad")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow taking a seat in the library as she goes to a computer ("Teacher's Pet")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling while sitting down inside the Bronze ("The Pack")
- Buffy and Angel looking at each other at the Bronze ("Angel")
- The Scooby Gang looking down into a coffin as Buffy opens the lid ("Some Assembly Required")
- Buffy and Angel reeling in for a kiss ("Angel")
- A shot panning over, showing Willow and Giles hanging from the ceiling of Bric & Broc ("When She Was Bad")
- Buffy popping head her to look through a classroom's door window ("Teacher's Pet")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia turning her head in school gym ("Witch")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia talking to Buffy ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia sitting in the school cafeteria ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Cordelia dancing at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting onto the pool table at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel walking through a crowd at the Bronze ("Angel")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel turning his head over to Buffy in vamp-face ("Angel")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel turning his head over to Darla ("Angel")
- The inside of Sunnydale's underground tunnel system ("The Harvest")
- Buffy's hand locking a steel door ("The Harvest")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking up to Weirick in his office ("The Pack")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles turning his head towards Buffy in the library ("Teacher's Pet")
- The blade of a guillotine descending ("The Puppet Show")
- The blade of a knife dropping, narrowly missing Buffy's head ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy getting up off the floor in the Sunndale High auditorium ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy shooting and arrow from a crossbow at the Bronze ("Angel")
- Buffy taking position after getting up (Animations are shown after this clip and before the next/"The Puppet Show")
- Giles, Buffy, Xander and Willow leaving the library (Animations in the middle of and after this clip/"The Harvest")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy in the Bronze ("The Harvest")
Season 3[]
Season 3 saw major stylistic changes. The music was noticeably smoother, quicker and no longer featured the screech from the previous openings. This version would be continued for the rest of the series.
The opening greatly differed visually, including clips from season two with clips of the first four episodes of season three. The sections where each cast member was credited consisted of slightly more clips opposed to the first seasons where there tended to be only one or two clips of the actor/actress during the period in which their name was shown.
The cast was carried over from the previous season with one new addition, this time being Seth Green as Oz placed after David Boreanaz and before Anthony Stewart Head.
The main title card underwent slight changes as "Buffy" was changed into the official "Buffied" font instead of the simple, handwritten cursive style used previously. The subheader "the Vampire Slayer" remained in "Herculanum" with but slightly smaller with only the first letters in each word capitalized with the word "slayer" not sitting large on the bottom instead with the first "f" of "Buffy" separating "vampire" from "slayer." The title's letters would also jumble and fly towards the screen, distorting the images behind them. First appeared in the season 3 episode "Faith, Hope & Trick."
The ending clip with "Created by Joss Whedon," which featured a moving shot of Buffy from "The Harvest," was changed into another moving shot of Buffy from the season 3 premiere "Anne." First appeared in the season 3 episode "Faith, Hope & Trick."
Clips used (episodes 1–3)[]
- Buffy strikes Marc with her palm ("The Puppet Show")
- Xander and Willow carrying Jesse through the graveyard ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting over a box in Bric & Broc ("When She Was Bad")
- Darla, in vamp-face, turning her head over to face Buffy ("Welcome to the Hellmouth")
- The gate of Catherine Madison's house shutting ("Witch")
- A stake being clasped in Buffy's hands ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy tipping over a steel table ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Catherine Madison being blasted with wind and a bright light (Clip not featured in "Witch"/screech heard during clip, sometimes louder)
- Catherine Madison's cat leaping out from a box ("Witch")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head over to face Angel ("The Harvest")
- Buffy and Xander closing a steel door as a vampire's hand pokes out ("The Harvest")
- A member of the Order of Aurelius breaking open a bus window ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Buffy crawling inside the ceiling of the school ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Two tarantulas crawling over a school book ("Nightmares")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander pushing through a group of girls ("Witch")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander sitting in the library ("Witch")
- Xander flashing a torch inside a vent ("The Harvest")
- Buffy poking her head out of an open grave ("Some Assembly Required")
- Xander flashing a torch inside a vent ("The Harvest")
- Buffy and Angel looking at each other at the Bronze ("Angel")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow taking a seat in the library as she goes to a computer ("Teacher's Pet")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling while sitting down inside the Bronze ("The Pack")
- Buffy and Angel looking at each other at the Bronze ("Angel")
- The Scooby Gang looking down into a coffin as Buffy opens the lid ("Some Assembly Required")
- Buffy and Angel reeling in for a kiss ("Angel")
- A shot panning over, showing Willow and Giles hanging from the ceiling of Bric & Broc ("When She Was Bad")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia turning her head in school gym ("Witch")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia talking to Buffy ("Out of Mind, Out of Sight")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia sitting in the school cafeteria ("Never Kill a Boy on the First Date")
- Cordelia dancing at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- Buffy somersaulting onto the pool table at the Bronze ("The Harvest")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel walking through a crowd at the Bronze ("Angel")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel turning his head over to Buffy in vamp-face ("Angel")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel turning his head over to Darla ("Angel")
- The inside of Sunnydale's underground tunnel system ("The Harvest")
- Buffy's hand locking a steel door ("The Harvest")
- Seth Green credited: Oz strumming on his guitar as Dingoes Ate My Baby play during Buffy's welcome back party ("Dead Man's Party")
- Seth Green credited: Oz looking at Pete inside the library's cage ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Seth Green credited: Oz sitting in the school's front yard ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Trick, in vamp-face, pulling himself into a fast-food restaurant's drive-by window ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pulling his head up ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Gage Petronzi watching in horror as the skin of his hand sheds, revealing a monstrous claw ("Go Fish")
- Angel's eyes lighting up as he is ensouled for the first time ("Becoming, Part One")
- Andrew Hoelich rising from his grave ("Anne")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking up to Weirick in his office ("The Pack")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles turning his head towards Buffy in the library ("Teacher's Pet")
- Kakistos forces his hand through the door of Faith's room at the Sunnydale Motor Inn as Buffy holds the door against him ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, jumps on Pete in the library ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Buffy falls from a hole in the high school pool's boiler room to the sewers below ("Go Fish")
- Jenny's body falls to the ground as Angel lets go of her after snapping her neck ("Passion")
- The Claddagh ring falling to the ground after slipping from Buffy's finger as she embraces Angel ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Buffy and Angel tearfully kissing at the Sunnydale docks ("Surprise")
- Buffy smacks the face of one of Angel's minions ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Angel attempts to pull the sword from Acathla ("Becoming, Part One")
- Cordelia turns her head to Xander while being pursued by the women of Sunnydale ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered")
- Kendra throws one of Angel's minions through the window of Giles's office at the library ("Becoming, Part One")
- Oz's werewolf hand as he turns into his wolf-form for the third time, cutting to a shot of his wolf-like face ("Phases")
- Buffy turns her head over to Angel after he removes the sword from Acathla ("Becoming, Part Two")
- The blade of a guillotine descending ("The Puppet Show")
- The blade of a knife dropping, narrowly missing Buffy's head ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy getting up off the floor in the Sunndale High auditorium ("The Puppet Show")
- Buffy shooting and arrow from a crossbow at the Bronze ("Angel")
- Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz walking through the Sunnydale Mall to confront the Judge (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip "Innocence").
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy in the Bronze ("The Harvest")
Clips used (episodes 4–22)[]
- Darla leaning over to bite Liam ("Becoming, Part One")
- Buffy backhanding one of the Family Home demons ("Anne")
- Buffy and Faith running from Kakistos' minions ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Buffy kicking open a locked door in Sunnydale High ("I Only Have Eyes for You")
- A shot of a hunga munga spinning ("Anne")
- Angel, Giles, Xander, Oz and Willow, at the Bronze, turning their heads to face Cordelia ("Surprise")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part One")
- Buffy peeking through the doors of du Lac's crypt. ("What's My Line? Part One")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking at the Family Home slaves ("Anne")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy smiling at Giles ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head from the scope of a rocket launcher ("Innocence")
- Buffy seductively dancing with Xander at the Bronze ("When She Was Bad")
- Buffy pole vaulting in the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
- Amy blasting Buffy with magical energy at the library ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered")
- Oz chucking a stake at the cemetery ("Anne")
- Theresa exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking idly while in a speedo ("Go Fish")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking to Willow while lying down on a couch at the Bronze ("Anne")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander poking his head from the side of Joyce's bed (Clip not featured in "Dead Man's Party")
- Buffy swinging from a pole in the Family Home dimension, kicking a guard ("Anne")
- Giles swinging a flaming baseball bat at Angel in Bric & Broc ("Passion")
- Buffy running among slaves in the Family Home dimension while being chased by guards ("Anne")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling while holding some marnox root (Clip not featured in "Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow waving at Buffy while sitting next to a dressed monkey at the Bronze, in Buffy's dream ("Surprise")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow raising her eyebrow to Xander at the Bronze. ("Anne")
- Willow and Oz about to kiss by the lockers at Sunnydale High (Clip not featured in "Beauty and the Beasts")
- Buffy feeling the sunshine on her face as Angel holds her, in her dream ("Anne")
- Buffy running her hand over Angel's tattoo, in her dream ("Innocence")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia jumping up from behind Buffy's birthday cake yelling "Surprise!" ("Surprise")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: A smiling Cordelia turn her head from Xander over to the screen at the Bronze ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Charisma Carpenter credited: Cordelia looking at the necklace Xander gave her during Valentine's Day at the Bronze ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered")
- Buffy feels Angel's face which cuts to her kissing himself, moments after Willow re-ensouled him ("Becoming, Part Two")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel picking up the sword he removed from Acathla's chest ("Becoming, Part Two")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel turns to vamp-face ("Becoming, Part Two")
- David Boreanaz credited: Angel looks over the side of a tree in the graveyard towards Buffy ("Becoming, Part One")
- Buffy and Angel sword fighting in the mansion, cutting to a shot of Buffy swinging her sword in the garden, and cutting back to them fighting indoors ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Seth Green credited: Oz strumming on his guitar as Dingoes Ate My Baby play during Buffy's welcome back party ("Dead Man's Party")
- Seth Green credited: Oz looking at Pete inside the library's cage ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Seth Green credited: Oz sitting in the school's front yard ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Trick, in vamp-face, pulling himself into a fast-food restaurant's drive-by window ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pulling his head up ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Gage Petronzi watching in horror as the skin of his hand sheds, revealing a monstrous claw ("Go Fish")
- Angel's eyes lighting up as he is ensouled for the first time ("Becoming, Part One")
- Andrew Hoelich rising from his grave ("Anne")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles smelling a rose outside his apartment ("Passion")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles turning his head to Willow and Buffy in the library ("Becoming, Part One")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles pointing his head up to Buffy in his apartment ("Dead Man's Party")
- Kakistos forces his hand through the door of Faith's room at the Sunnydale Motor Inn as Buffy holds the door against him ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, jumps on Pete in the library ("Beauty and the Beasts")
- Buffy falls from a hole in the high school pool's boiler room to the sewers below ("Go Fish")
- Jenny's body falls to the ground as Angel lets go of her after snapping her neck ("Passion")
- The Claddagh ring falling to the ground after slipping from Buffy's finger as she embraces Angel ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Buffy and Angel tearfully kissing at the Sunnydale docks ("Surprise")
- Buffy smacks the face of one of Angel's minions ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Angel attempts to pull the sword from Acathla ("Becoming, Part One")
- Cordelia turns her head to Xander while being pursued by the women of Sunnydale ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered")
- Kendra throws one of Angel's minions through the window of Giles's office at the library ("Becoming, Part One")
- Oz's werewolf hand as he turns into his wolf-form for the third time, cutting to a shot of his wolf-like face ("Phases")
- Buffy turns her head over to Angel after he removes the sword from Acathla ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Buffy dusts a vampire with drum sticks at her birthday ("Surprise")
- Buffy chucks one of Kakistos' minions ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Angel jumps into a body of water to save Buffy ("Surprise")
- Buffy knocks over a vampire ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz walking through the Sunnydale Mall to confront the Judge (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip "Innocence").
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Season 4[]
Season 4 featured the first major change in casting, with David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter leaving the show to work on Angel. Seth Green stayed on for 6 episodes, before leaving the main cast. James Marsters (Spike) joined the cast after Green's departure and replaced Green's title card in the credits. Similarly, Marc Blucas (Riley) also joined the main cast, added onto the credits on episode 11, placed before James Marsters and staying for the rest of the season. Each version consisted mostly of clips from the second and third seasons while the first version also had clips from the first six episodes of the fourth season, the second version having clips from the first nine episodes and the third version having clips from the first ten episodes (save for "The Initiative" in the second and "Pangs" in all versions).
In episode 17, "Superstar," a unique title sequence was used featuring additional clips of Danny Strong (Jonathan), though Strong was not actually credited.
Clips used (episodes 1–6)[]
- A hellhound roaring ("The Prom")
- Buffy swinging an axe at Lagos ("Revelations")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga spinning ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Buffy, alongside Willow and Oz, opening a door during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicking a vampire (Clip not featured in "Beer Bad")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning head to face Spike ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy, just after a vampire almost drowned her ("Bad Girls")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy happily turning her head to the Senior student body after receiving her Class Protector Award ("The Prom")
- Buffy resting her head onto Parker's arm whilst slow-dancing (Clip not featured in "The Harsh Light of Day")
- Buffy pole vaulting in the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
- Spike appearing from behind a shelf, in vamp-face, holding the magic shop clerk ("Lovers Walk")
- Gwendolyn Post firing a lightning bolt, cutting to Angel pushing Willow out of the bolts way ("Revelations")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking at Faith in the Bronze ("Revelations")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning towards Anya, looking in awe as he squeezes a juice box in his hand, causing the juice to burst out ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking nervously during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Xander being startled off a wall as one of the Hellmouth spawn's head comes crashing through next to him ("The Zeppo")
- Giles hitting the Hellmouth spawn with an axe (sound of impact heard), cutting to Buffy being thrown out of the library ("The Zeppo")
- A skeleton lying in a tomb as Buffy flashes a light at it ("Bad Girls")
- A Mok'tagar demon opening its eyes ("Living Conditions")
- Buffy, holding the prosthetics Kathy used to hide her demonic appearance, looking shocked ("Living Conditions")
- Buffy staking a member of the El Eliminati (the sound of the vampire dusting is heard/"Bad Girls")
- Buffy hitting a vampire's face ("Wild at Heart")
- The Scooby Gang looking at the Hellmouth spawn as lights flash ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy running from the ascended Wilkins as he breaks through a doorway inside Sunnydale High ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Willow and Anya performing a temporal fold, cutting to Willow's face as the spell begins ("The Wish")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turning her head to Veruca in the UC Sunnydale lab (Clip not featured in "Wild at Heart")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, disguised as her vampire counterpart, waving at Oz at the Bronze ("Doppelgängland")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Oz while lying in bed with him ("Wild at Heart")
- Buffy and Willow walking up the stairs at UC Sunnydale ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith crashing through the doors of a vampire nest as the sunlight pours in, cutting to a vampire's hand setting alight (sound of the fire igniting is heard ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy suddenly waking from her nightmarish sleep ("Living Conditions")
- Seth Green credited: Oz strumming on his guitar on stage at the Bronze (Clip not featured in "The Harsh Light of Day")
- Seth Green credited: Oz, half way into wolf-form, looking at Willow during the Halloween party at Alpha Delta fraternity house ("Fear, Itself")
- Seth Green credited: Oz standing up from his bed, looking at Willow ("Wild at Heart")
- Oz fending off Harmony with a cross ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- The Shrouded Man pretending to remove Angel's soul ("Enemies")
- Giles stepping into the Alpha Delta's fraternity house brandishing a chainsaw ("Fear, Itself")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles cautiously walking through the Sunnydale Arms ("Helpless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles opening his apartment's front door to Buffy ("Wild at Heart")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles smiling at Buffy during the Senior Prom ("The Prom")
- A hellhound pushing Buffy against a table near a neon sign ("The Prom")
- Buffy falls from a hole in the high school pool's boiler room to the sewers below ("Go Fish")
- Buffy swinging Faith's knife whilst in battle with the fellow Slayer ("Graduation Day, Part One")
- The Claddagh ring falling to the ground after slipping from Buffy's finger as she embraces Angel ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pouncing on Jack O'Toole ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy backhanding a toy skeleton made alive during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy opening some curtains at Angel's mansion, letting the sunlight flood in ("The Prom")
- Xander punching one of Angel's minions in the face ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Buffy staking Eddie ("The Freshman")
- Buffy jumping, whilst kicking two vampires in their faces ("Beer Bad")
- Spike punching Angel at the magic shop ("Lovers Walk")
- One of the Harbingers of Death standing inside Buffy's room as a light flashes ("Amends")
- Wilkins performing the ritual to make him invulnerable ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz walking through the Sunnydale Mall to confront the Judge (Animations are show before and in the middle of this clip/"Innocence")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Clips used (episodes 7–10)[]
- A hellhound roaring ("The Prom")
- Buffy swinging an axe at Lagos ("Revelations")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga spinning ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Buffy, alongside Willow and Oz, opening a door during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicking a vampire (Clip not featured in "Beer Bad")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning head to face Spike ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy, just after a vampire almost drowned her ("Bad Girls")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy happily turning her head to the Senior student body after receiving her Class Protector Award ("The Prom")
- Buffy resting her head onto Parker's arm whilst slow-dancing (Clip not featured in "The Harsh Light of Day")
- Buffy pole vaulting in the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
- Spike appearing from behind a shelf, in vamp-face, holding the magic shop clerk ("Lovers Walk")
- Gwendolyn Post firing a lightning bolt, cutting to Angel pushing Willow out of the bolts way ("Revelations")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking at Faith in the Bronze ("Revelations")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning towards Anya, looking in awe as he squeezes a juice box in his hand, causing the juice to burst out ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking nervously during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Xander being startled off a wall as one of the Hellmouth spawn's head comes crashing through next to him ("The Zeppo")
- Giles hitting the Hellmouth spawn with an axe (sound of impact heard), cutting to Buffy being thrown out of the library ("The Zeppo")
- A skeleton lying in a tomb as Buffy flashes a light at it ("Bad Girls")
- A Mok'tagar demon opening its eyes ("Living Conditions")
- Buffy, holding the prosthetics Kathy used to hide her demonic appearance, looking shocked ("Living Conditions")
- Buffy staking a member of El Eliminati (the sound of the vampire dusting his heard/"Bad Girls")
- Buffy hitting a vampire's face ("Wild at Heart")
- The Scooby Gang looking at the Hellmouth spawn as lights flash ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy running from the ascended Wilkins as he breaks through a doorway inside Sunnydale High ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Willow and Anya performing a temporal fold, cutting to Willow's face as the spell begins ("The Wish")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turning her head to Veruca in the UC Sunnydale lab (Clip not featured in "Wild at Heart")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, disguised as Vampire Willow, waving at Oz at the Bronze ("Doppelgängland")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Oz while lying in bed with him ("Wild at Heart")
- Buffy and Willow walking up the stairs at UC Sunnydale ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith crashing through the doors of a vampire nest as the sunlight pours in, cutting to a vampire's hand setting alight (sound of the fire igniting is heard ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy suddenly waking from her sleep ("Living Conditions")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head over to Buffy ("Something Blue")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning to vamp-face and charging at Buffy ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- James Marsters credited: Spike, seeing Buffy cornered, shrugging and leaving ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Spike singing in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- The Shrouded Man whilst pretending to remove Angel's soul ("Enemies")
- Giles stepping into the Alpha Delta's fraternity house brandishing a chainsaw ("Fear, Itself")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles cautiously walking through the Sunnydale Arms ("Helpless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles opening his apartment's front door to Buffy ("Wild at Heart")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles smiling at Buffy during Senior Prom ("The Prom")
- A hellhound pushing Buffy against a table near a neon sign ("The Prom")
- Buffy falls from a hole in the high school pool's boiler room to the sewers below ("Go Fish")
- The Claddagh ring falling to the ground after slipping from Buffy's finger as she embraces Angel ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pouncing on Jack O'Toole ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy backhanding a toy skeleton made alive during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy opening some curtains at Angel's mansion, letting the sunlight flood in ("The Prom")
- Xander punching one of Angel's minions in the face ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Buffy staking Eddie ("The Freshman")
- Buffy jumping, whilst kicking two vampires in their faces ("Beer Bad")
- Spike punching Angel at the magic shop ("Lovers Walk")
- One of the Bringers standing inside Buffy's room as a light flashes ("Amends")
- The Mayor performing the ritual to make him invulnerable ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz walking through the Sunnydale Mall to confront the Judge (Animations are show before and in the middle of this clip/"Innocence")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Clips used (episodes 11–16, 18–22)[]
- A hellhound roaring ("The Prom")
- Buffy swinging an axe at Lagos ("Revelations")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga spinning ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Buffy, alongside Willow and Oz, opening a door during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicking a vampire (Clip not featured in "Beer Bad")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning head to face Spike ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy, just after a vampire almost drowned her ("Bad Girls")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy happily turning her head to the Senior student body after receiving her Class Protector Award ("The Prom")
- Buffy resting her head onto Parker's arm whilst slow-dancing (Clip not featured in "The Harsh Light of Day")
- Buffy pole vaulting in the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
- Spike appearing from behind a shelf, in vamp-face, holding the magic shop clerk ("Lovers Walk")
- Gwendolyn Post firing a lightning bolt, cutting to Angel pushing Willow out of bolts way ("Revelations")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking at Faith at the Bronze ("Revelations")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning towards Anya, looking in awe as he squeezes a juice box in his hand, causing the juice to burst out ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking nervously during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Xander being startled off a wall as one of the Hellmouth spawn's head comes crashing through next to him ("The Zeppo")
- Giles hitting the Hellmouth spawn with an axe (sound of the impact is heard), cutting to Buffy being thrown out of the library ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy and Willow walking up the stairs at UC Sunnydale ("The Freshman")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turning her head to Veruca in the UC Sunnydale lab (Clip not featured in "Wild at Heart")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, disguised as her vampire counterpart, waving at Oz ("Doppelgängland")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Oz while lying in bed with him ("Wild at Heart")
- An overhead shot of Willow standing in the center of candles performing the My will be done spell cutting to sparkles of energy igniting the candles ("Something Blue")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley turning his head over to Willow ("The Initiative")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley, in commando uniform, walking out of the Initiative facilities holding a rifle ("The Initiative")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley, looking at Buffy during their picnic ("Something Blue")
- Riley firing his taser blaster at one of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Riley bashing one of the Footmen with his taser blaster ("Hush")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith crashing through the doors of a vampire nest as the sunlight pours in, cutting to a vampire's hand setting alight (sound of the fire igniting is heard ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy suddenly waking from her sleep ("Living Conditions")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head over to Buffy ("Something Blue")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning to vamp-face and charging at Buffy ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- James Marsters credited: Spike, seeing Buffy cornered, shrugging and leaving ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Spike singing in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- The Shrouded Man whilst pretending to remove Angel's soul ("Enemies")
- Giles stepping into the Alpha Delta's fraternity house brandishing a chainsaw ("Fear, Itself")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles cautiously walking through the Sunnydale Arms ("Helpless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles opening his apartment's front door to Buffy ("Wild at Heart")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles smiling at Buffy during the Senior Prom ("The Prom")
- A hellhound pushing Buffy against a table near a neon sign ("The Prom")
- Buffy falls from a hole in the high school pool's boiler room to the sewers below ("Go Fish")
- The Claddagh ring falling to the ground after slipping from Buffy's finger as she embraces Angel ("Faith, Hope & Trick")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pouncing on Jack O'Toole ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy backhanding a toy skeleton made alive during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy opening some curtains at Angel's mansion, letting the sunlight flood in ("The Prom")
- Xander punching one of Angel's minions in the face ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Buffy staking Eddie ("The Freshman")
- Buffy jumping, whilst kicking two vampires in their faces ("Beer Bad")
- Spike punching Angel at the magic shop ("Lovers Walk")
- One of the Bringers standing inside Buffy's room as a light flashes ("Amends")
- The Mayor performing the ritual to make him invulnerable ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz walking through the Sunnydale Mall to confront the Judge (Animations are show before and in the middle of this clip/"Innocence")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Clips used (episode 17)[]
Note that many of the Jonathan clips were not from the episode "Superstar" itself, and were filmed specifically for the opening.
- A hellhound roaring ("The Prom")
- Buffy swinging an axe at Lagos ("Revelations")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga spinning ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- Buffy, alongside Willow and Oz, opening a door during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Jonathan turning around, pointing a crossbow ("Superstar")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning head to face Spike ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy, just after a vampire almost drowned her ("Bad Girls")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy happily turning her head to the Senior student body after receiving her Class Protector Award ("The Prom")
- Jonathan defusing a bomb with only 4 seconds to go ("Superstar")
- Buffy pole vaulting in the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
- Spike appearing from behind a shelf, in vamp-face, holding the magic shop clerk ("Lovers Walk")
- Gwendolyn Post firing a lightning bolt, cutting to Angel pushing Willow out of bolts way ("Revelations")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking at Faith in the Bronze ("Revelations")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning towards Anya, looking in awe as he squeezes a juice box in his hand, causing the juice to burst out ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking nervously during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Jonathan smiling at the camera ("Superstar")
- Buffy being thrown out of the library ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy and Willow walking up the stairs at UC Sunnydale ("The Freshman")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turning her head to Veruca in the UC Sunnydale lab (Clip not featured in "Wild at Heart")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, disguised as her vampire counterpart, waving at Oz ("Doppelgängland")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Oz while lying in bed with him ("Wild at Heart")
- An overhead shot of Willow standing in the center of candles performing the My Will Be Done spell cutting to sparkles of energy igniting the candles ("Something Blue")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley turning his head over to Willow ("The Initiative")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley, in commando uniform, walking out of the Initiative facilities holding a rifle ("The Initiative")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley, looking at Buffy during their picnic ("Something Blue")
- Jonathan gesturing at his fans while entering a limo ("Superstar")
- Jonathan looking suspiciously at Spike ("Superstar")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy and Faith crashing through the doors of a vampire nest as the sunlight pours in, cutting to a vampire's hand setting alight (sound of the fire igniting is heard ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy suddenly waking from her sleep ("Living Conditions")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head over to Buffy ("Something Blue")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning to vamp-face and charging at Buffy ("The Harsh Light of Day")
- James Marsters credited: Spike, seeing Buffy cornered, shrugging and leaving ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Spike singing in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Jonathan turning his head while holding a gun in the sewers ("Superstar")
- The Shrouded Man whilst pretending to remove Angel's soul ("Enemies")
- Giles stepping into the Alpha Delta's fraternity house brandishing a chainsaw ("Fear, Itself")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles cautiously walking through the Sunnydale Arms ("Helpless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles opening his apartment's front door to Buffy ("Wild at Heart")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles smiling at Buffy during the Senior Prom ("The Prom")
- Jonathan kipping up ("Superstar")
- Oz, in wolf-form, pouncing on Jack O'Toole ("The Zeppo")
- Buffy backhanding a toy skeleton made alive during Halloween ("Fear, Itself")
- Buffy opening some curtains at Angel's mansion, letting the sunlight flood in ("The Prom")
- Jonathan revealing a crossbow from under his coat ("Superstar")
- Buffy staking Eddie ("The Freshman")
- Buffy jumping, whilst kicking two vampires in their faces ("Beer Bad")
- Jonathan getting in a fighting pose with Buffy ("Superstar")
- One of the Bringers standing inside Buffy's room as a light flashes ("Amends")
- The Mayor performing the ritual to make him invulnerable ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Joss Whedon credited: Jonathan slowly walking through Maple Court (Animations are shown before this clip and in the middle of it (twice) before Whedon is credited/"Superstar")
Season 5[]
Season 5 stayed consistent with season 4, with the addition of Emma Caulfield (Anya) and Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn). Although Trachtenberg appeared in every episode, she was left off the title credits in the premiere episode, to keep her appearance a surprise. Also, Marc Blucas stayed a regular for the first 10 episodes until his departure, after which he was removed from the title credits for the rest of the series.
Clips used (episode 1)[]
- Sineya looking down to Buffy while chained to the ceiling ("Restless")
- Buffy hook punches Toth ("The Replacement")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Graham ("Out of My Mind")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy pulling her arm back after staking a vampire ("Real Me")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking at Jonathan ("Superstar")
- Buffy hugging Riley ("The Yoko Factor")
- Buffy wandering through a tunnel with a flashlight ("Out of My Mind")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- A door opening to two of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head to Spike ("Hush")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head over the Initiative scientists observing at the toilet ("Restless")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander's positive trait-side looking at Anya ("The Replacement")
- Xander's negative trait-side doing the "Snoopy dance" ("The Replacement")
- Buffy bashing a lit torch against the table inside Dracula's Castle (sound of the flame impact is heard ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow and Tara performing a spell ("Who Are You?")
- Willow observing a firefly she conjured ("Fear, Itself")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turns towards Buffy (Clip not featured in "Out of My Mind")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow unveiling a shower curtain ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Tara ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara, joining hands, look towards a vending machine ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara forming a circle of energy, cutting to Willow laying on the floor ("Who Are You?")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley turning his head to face Xander ("The Replacement")
- Marc Blucas credited: An underhead shot panning under a glass table next to Riley with a gun laying on it ("Restless")
- Marc Blucas credited: A shirtless Riley standing up from his bed facing Forrest ("New Moon Rising")
- Riley firing his taser blaster at a Gentleman ("Hush")
- Riley bashing one of the footmen with his taser blaster ("Hush")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- A Vahrall demon raising his arm, about to slit someone through with his claw ("Doomed")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy swinging an axe at a vampire ("Real Me")
- Willow casting a light spell in a dark hallway ("Out of My Mind")
- Buffy staking a vampire on the ground ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya turning her head towards the two Xanders ("The Replacement")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya smiling at Spike ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya sighing in her bunny costume ("Fear, Itself")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head towards Harmony ("Real Me")
- James Marsters credited: Spike pointing his newly acquired handgun ("The Yoko Factor")
- James Marsters credited: Spike giving Xander the V sign while tied to a chair ("Hush")
- Spike striking a pose to various photographers ("Restless")
- Spike sing in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- The shot panning to Giles on stage at the Bronze holding the mic ("Restless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles observing a broken display case ("Real Me")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles raising his index ringer ("Hush")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking at Buffy who's performing a hand stand during his training session ("Real Me")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Clips used (episodes 2–10)[]
- Sineya looking down to Buffy while chained to the ceiling ("Restless")
- Buffy hook punches Toth ("The Replacement")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Graham ("Out of My Mind")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy pulling her arm back after staking a vampire ("Real Me")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking at Jonathan ("Superstar")
- Buffy hugging Riley ("The Yoko Factor")
- Buffy wandering through a tunnel with a flashlight ("Out of My Mind")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- A door opening to two of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head to Spike ("Hush")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head over the Initiative scientists observing at the toilet ("Restless")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander's positive trait-side looking at Anya ("The Replacement")
- Xander's negative trait-side doing the "Snoopy dance" ("The Replacement")
- Buffy bashing a lit torch against the table inside Dracula's castle (sound of the flame impact is heard ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow and Tara performing a spell ("Who Are You?")
- Willow observing a firefly she conjured ("Fear, Itself")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turns towards Buffy (Clip not featured in "Out of My Mind")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow unveiling a shower curtain ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Tara ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara, joining hands, look towards a vending machine ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara forming a circle of energy, cutting to Willow laying on the floor ("Who Are You?")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- Marc Blucas credited: Riley turning his head to face Xander ("The Replacement")
- Marc Blucas credited: An underhead shot panning under a glass table next to Riley with a gun laying on it ("Restless")
- Marc Blucas credited: A shirtless Riley standing up from his bed facing Forrest ("New Moon Rising")
- Riley firing his taser blaster at a Gentleman ("Hush")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya turning her head towards the two Xanders ("The Replacement")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya smiling at Spike ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya sighing in her bunny costume ("Fear, Itself")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Buffy swinging an axe at a vampire ("Real Me")
- Buffy staking a vampire on the ground ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn turning her head towards Buffy and Riley ("Real Me")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn gleefully greeting Willow ("Real Me")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn lying on her bed in the midst of writing in her diary ("Real Me")
- Dawn peeping through the blinds of the Magic Box ("Real Me")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head towards Harmony ("Real Me")
- James Marsters credited: Spike pointing his newly acquired handgun ("The Yoko Factor")
- James Marsters credited: Spike giving Xander the V sign while tied to a chair ("Hush")
- Spike striking a pose to various photographers ("Restless")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- The shot panning to Giles on stage at the Bronze holding the mic ("Restless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles observing a broken display case ("Real Me")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles raising his index ringer ("Hush")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking at Buffy who's performing a hand stand during his training session ("Real Me")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Clips used (episodes 11–22)[]
- Sineya looking down to Buffy while chained to the ceiling ("Restless")
- Buffy hook punches Toth ("The Replacement")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the library stacks during graduation ("Graduation Day, Part Two")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy about to perform a spin kick ("Bad Girls")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy running through the halls of Sunnydale High, past the lounge room ("Becoming, Part Two")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Graham ("Out of My Mind")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy pulling her arm back after staking a vampire ("Real Me")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking at Jonathan ("Superstar")
- Buffy hugging Riley ("The Yoko Factor")
- Buffy wandering through a tunnel with a flashlight ("Out of My Mind")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- A door opening to two of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Theresa Klusmeyer exploding in a cloud of dust as Xander stakes her ("Phases")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head to Spike ("Hush")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head over the Initiative scientists observing at the toilet ("Restless")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander's positive trait-side looking at Anya ("The Replacement")
- Xander's negative trait-side doing the "Snoopy dance" ("The Replacement")
- Buffy bashing a lit torch against the table inside Dracula's castle (sound of the flame impact is heard ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow and Tara performing a spell ("Who Are You?")
- Willow observing a firefly she conjured ("Fear, Itself")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow turns towards Buffy (Clip not featured in "Out of My Mind")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow unveiling a shower curtain ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Tara ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara, joining hands, look towards a vending machine ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara forming a circle of energy, cutting to Willow laying on the floor ("Who Are You?")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya turning her head towards the two Xanders ("The Replacement")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya smiling at Spike ("Where the Wild Things Are")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya sighing in her bunny costume ("Fear, Itself")
- Anya, in demonic form, turning to face Cordelia ("The Wish")
- Buffy and Faith dancing wildly at the Bronze ("Bad Girls")
- A Vahrall demon raising his arm, about to slit someone through with his claw ("Doomed")
- Amy holding up a human skull during a magical ritual ("Gingerbread")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy swinging an axe at a vampire ("Real Me")
- Willow casting a light spell in a dark hallway ("Out of My Mind")
- Buffy staking a vampire on the ground ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn turning her head towards Buffy and Riley ("Real Me")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn gleefully greeting Willow ("Real Me")
- Michelle Trachtenberg: Dawn lying on her bed in the midst of writing in her diary ("Real Me")
- Dawn peeping through the blinds of the Magic Box ("Real Me")
- James Marsters credited: Spike turning his head towards Harmony ("Real Me")
- James Marsters credited: Spike pointing his newly acquired handgun ("The Yoko Factor")
- James Marsters credited: Spike giving Xander the V sign while tied to a chair ("Hush")
- Spike striking a pose to various photographers ("Restless")
- Spike singing in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- The shot panning to Giles on stage at the Bronze holding the mic ("Restless")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles observing a broken display case ("Real Me")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles raising his index ringer ("Hush")
- Anthony Stewart Head credited: Giles looking at Buffy who's performing a hand stand during his training session ("Real Me")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of Buffy wielding a hunga munga and hammer at the Family Home dimension ("Anne")
Season 6[]
Season 6 marked a major change in the title credits, with the departure of Anthony Stewart Head (although he would appear fairly consistently as a special guest star throughout the remainder of the series). Alyson Hannigan took the "And (actor/actress name) as (character name)" ending credit for the remainder of the series. Amber Benson (Tara) was credited in the titles for only one episode of the season, "Seeing Red," in which her character was killed. Also, after 3 seasons with the clip from "Anne," the ending clip with "Created by Joss Whedon" is changed to a shot of the camera zooming on to the Buffybot from the season 5 finale "The Gift."
Episode 7, "Once More, with Feeling," has an an abbreviated opening credit sequence with a different arrangement of the main theme.
Clips used (episodes 1–6, 8–18, 20–22)[]
- An alien like creature rising at the screen after being spawned by Glory's portal ("The Gift")
- An amused looking Buffy punching a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the cemetery chasing after a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A blindfolded Buffy performing a hand kick during the Watchers Council's training ("Checkpoint")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Into the Woods")
- Buffy swinging a sword during her fight with the Knights of Byzantium ("Spiral")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Dracula ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking suspicious at the Magic Box ("Family")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy smiling at Willow at the hospital ("Listening to Fear")
- Buffy hugging Riley ("The Yoko Factor")
- Buffy holding a lit torch at Dracula's Castle ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- A door opening to two of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Xander stabbing Doc with a sword ("The Weight of the World")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head to Spike ("Hush")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander smiling at Giles and Anya at the Magic Box ("Bargaining, Part One")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking up at someone at the Magic Box ("Flooded")
- The two Xanders smiling at each other ("The Replacement")
- Xander, carrying a lit torch, angrily storms into one of the rooms of Dracula's Castle ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow casting a light spell in a dark hallway ("Out of My Mind")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya wishing Willow good luck at Xander's apartment ("The Weight of the World")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya looking happy as she counts the money in the cash register ("Family")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya sighing in her bunny costume ("Fear, Itself")
- Anya holding a bat prepared to fight Glory's militia at the base of the tower where Glory's portal is located ("The Gift")
- Anya dancing with Xander at the Bronze ("Crush")
- The hand of a newly made vampire rising through the dirt behind Buffy and Willow ("The Freshman")
- Buffy swinging an axe at a vampire ("Real Me")
- Buffy bashing a lit torch against the table inside Dracula's castle ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy staking a vampire on the ground ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn smiling at Buffy while they check out their mother's outfit ("I Was Made to Love You")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn peering out of Giles' desk at the Magic Box ("Family")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn sitting at the Summers' kitchen table during breakfast (Clip not featured in "Flooded")
- Dawn screaming as an axe comes crashing into a nearby wall of the gas station ("Spiral")
- Dawn taking out her backpack as she sits beside Kevin during art class ("The Body")
- Tara blowing on some magic powder at the Magic Box (sound of blowing is heard ("Family")
- Willow and Tara stand up as they see a meteor falling from the sky in the distance ("Into the Woods")
- James Marsters credited: Spike looking at a Hellion coming at him ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- James Marsters credited: Spike spinning a metal bar at the subway during his fight with Nikki ("Fool for Love")
- James Marsters credited: Spike giving Xander the V sign while tied to a chair ("Hush")
- Spike turning his head to search Dawn ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- Spike sings in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Spike and Dawn riding a motorcycle as they escape from the Hellions ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- Willow zapping Glory with electrical bolts in revenge for Tara ("Tough Love")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Buffy at the hospital ("Listening to Fear")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, with her eyes pitch black, throwing enchanted daggers at Glory ("Tough Love")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow grinning after successfully sending the troll Olaf to another dimension ("Triangle")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Tara at the Magic Box ("Out of My Mind")
- Willow and Tara dancing at Tara's 20th birthday at the Bronze ("Family")
- Willow and Tara, joining hands, look towards a vending machine ("Hush")
- Willow and Tara forming a circle of energy, cutting to Willow laying on the floor ("Who Are You?")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- (All the following clips are shown in quick succession)
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- A zooming clip of a graveyard (shown in a montage ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow, Tara and Glory in a bright light as Willow restores Tara's sanity ("The Gift")
- The demon Toth standing next to a bright yellowish cauldron ("The Replacement")
- A zoomed-in shot of Sineya's eyes as she takes out Xander's heart ("Restless")
- Fire coming at the screen (?)
- Buffy jumping from the top of the tower towards Glory's portal bellow ("The Gift")
- A brief shot of energy clashing from the portal ("The Gift")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A zooming shot of the Buffybot ready to face Glory ("The Gift")
Clips used (episode 19)[]
- An alien like creature rising at the screen after being spawned by Glory's portal ("The Gift")
- An amused looking Buffy punching a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the cemetery chasing after a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A blindfolded Buffy performing a hand kick during the Watchers Council's training ("Checkpoint")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Into the Woods")
- Buffy swinging a sword during her fight with the Knights of Byzantium ("Spiral")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Dracula ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy looking suspicious at the Magic Box ("Family")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy smiling at Willow at the hospital ("Listening to Fear")
- Buffy hugging Riley ("The Yoko Factor")
- Buffy holding a lit torch in Dracula's mansion ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- A door opening to two of the Gentlemen ("Hush")
- Xander stabbing Doc with a sword ("The Weight of the World")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander turning his head to Spike ("Hush")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander smiling at Giles and Anya at the Magic Box ("Bargaining, Part One")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander looking up at someone at the Magic Box ("Flooded")
- The two Xanders smiling at each other ("The Replacement")
- Xander, carrying a lit torch, angrily storms into one of the rooms of Dracula's Castle ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow casting a light spell in a dark hallway ("Out of My Mind")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya wishing Willow good luck at Xander's apartment ("The Weight of the World")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya looking happy as she counts the money in the cash register ("Family")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya sighing in her bunny costume ("Fear, Itself")
- Anya holding a bat prepared to fight Glory's militia at the base of the tower where Glory's portal is located ("The Gift")
- Anya dancing with Xander at the Bronze ("Crush")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn smiling at Buffy while they check out their mother's outfit ("I Was Made to Love You")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn peering out of Giles' desk at the Magic Box ("Family")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn sitting at the Summers' kitchen table during breakfast (Clip not featured in "Flooded")
- Dawn screaming as an axe comes crashing into a nearby wall of the gas station ("Spiral")
- Dawn taking out her backpack as she sits beside Kevin during art class ("The Body")
- Amber Benson credited: Tara blowing on some magic powder at the Magic Box (sound of blowing is heard ("Family")
- Amber Benson credited: Tara smiling at Willow in the Summers' kitchen ("Older and Far Away")
- Amber Benson credited: Tara standing up from the ground while looking at Willow in the sewers, after she gets her memory back ("Tabula Rasa")
- Amber Benson credited: Tara turns her head around whilst smiling, after greeting a friend ("Normal Again")
- Amber Benson credited: Tara smiling at Willow outside the Magic Box ("Dead Things")
- Tara performing a spell in the Summers' kitchen as Xander and Buffy look ("Older and Far Away")
- James Marsters credited: Spike looking at a Hellion coming at him ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- James Marsters credited: Spike spinning a metal bar at the subway during his fight with Nikki ("Fool for Love")
- James Marsters credited: Spike giving Xander the V sign while tied to a chair ("Hush")
- Spike turning his head to search Dawn ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- Spike sings in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Spike and Dawn riding a motorcycle as they escape from the Hellions ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- Willow zapping Glory with electrical bolts in revenge for Tara ("Tough Love")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Buffy at the hospital ("Listening to Fear")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow, with her eyes pitch black, throwing enchanted daggers at Glory ("Tough Love")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow grinning after successfully sending the troll Olaf to another dimension ("Triangle")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Tara at the Magic Box ("Out of My Mind")
- Willow and Tara forming a circle of energy, cutting to Willow laying on the floor ("Who Are You?")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- (All the following clips are shown in quick succession)
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- A zooming clip of a graveyard (shown in a montage ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow, Tara and Glory in a bright light as Willow restores Tara's sanity ("The Gift")
- The demon Toth standing next to a bright yellowish cauldron ("The Replacement")
- A zoomed-in shot of Sineya's eyes as she takes out Xander's heart ("Restless")
- Fire coming at the screen (?)
- Buffy jumping from the top of the tower towards Glory's portal bellow ("The Gift")
- A brief shot of energy clashing from the portal ("The Gift")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A zooming shot of the Buffybot ready to face Glory ("The Gift")
Season 7[]
Season 7 was the first season to have stayed consistent with its title credits throughout the entire run since season 3. All the same actors and actresses from the previous season, with the exception of Amber Benson's single episode credit, were included in the title credits. Also, the ending clip was changed once more, now with a shot of the First Evil in the guise of Buffy from "Lessons."
Clips used[]
- An alien like creature rising at the screen after being spawned by Glory's portal ("The Gift")
- An amused looking Buffy punching a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A brief shot of a hunga munga ("Anne")
- Buffy running through the cemetery chasing after a vampire ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- From Dracula's POV, Buffy, Willow and Xander duck for cover as he flies at them in bat-form ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- A blindfolded Buffy performing a hand kick during the Watchers Council's training ("Checkpoint")
- Buffy kicks a vampire in the face ("Into the Woods")
- Buffy swinging Dawn's bag to fight the manifest spirits of deceased students at the basement of the new Sunnydale High ("Lessons")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy turning her head to face Dracula ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy prepared to face Dark Willow inside the Magic Box ("Two to Go")
- Sarah Michelle Gellar credited: Buffy standing at the door of her former bedroom looking concerned at Willow ("Same Time, Same Place")
- The Ancient Mummy Hand crawling over a skull at the Magic Box ("Life Serial")
- Buffy holding a lit torch at Dracula's Castle (sound of the flame whooshing is heard ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Buffy swinging from a rope ("Hush")
- The demon Gnarl lifting his head slowly as he eats Willow's skin ("Same Time, Same Place")
- A blast of purple light hits Xander's forehead prompting him to see his future with Anya ("Hell's Bells")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander smiling whilst talking to Buffy at the new Sunnydale High ("Lessons")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: Xander talking to Buffy in the Summers' living room, with Dawn lying on the couch ("Same Time, Same Place")
- Nicholas Brendon credited: The two Xanders smiling at each other ("The Replacement")
- Xander, carrying a lit torch, angrily storms into one of the rooms of Dracula's Castle ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow casting a light spell in a dark hallway ("Out of My Mind")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya wishing Willow good luck at Xander's apartment ("The Weight of the World")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya, in roller skates, giving a basket of candy to a customer during the Halloween sale at the Magic Box ("All the Way")
- Emma Caulfield credited: Anya looking happy to her wedding dress ("Hell's Bells")
- Anya holding a bat prepared to fight Glory's militia at the base of the tower where Glory's portal is located ("The Gift")
- Anya dancing with Xander at the Bronze ("Crush")
- A vampire stuck in a grave turns his head to the side ("Lessons")
- Buffy swinging her sword to decapitate the vampire ("Lessons")
- Xander dusting a vampire in the sewers ("Tabula Rasa")
- Dawn talking excitedly to Willow after seeing Tara ("Seeing Red")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn looking at Buffy and Xander at the airport as they await for Willow's arrival ("Same Time, Same Place")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn, looking amazed, brandishing a sword after she and Buffy fell down a hole in the cemetery ("Grave")
- Michelle Trachtenberg credited: Dawn looking worried at Buffy in a classroom of the new Sunnydale High ("Lessons")
- Dawn taking out her backpack as she sits beside Kevin during art class ("The Body")
- Willow's computer opened on the website Demons, Demons, Demons searching for Gnarl ("Same Time, Same Place")
- Willow breathes heavily during Buffy's resurrection spell, as bugs crawl under her arms ("Bargaining, Part One")
- James Marsters credited: Spike looking at a Hellion coming at him ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- James Marsters credited: Spike spinning a metal bar at the subway during his fight with Nikki ("Fool for Love")
- James Marsters credited: Spike fighting a man with flaming fists (sound of the flames is heard ("Two to Go")
- Spike turning to vamp-face ("Tabula Rasa")
- Spike sings in his car ("Lovers Walk")
- Spike and Dawn riding a motorcycle as they escape from the Hellions ("Bargaining, Part Two")
- Willow releasing wave-like screams that hit a demon ("Villains")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Dark Willow using telekinesis to pull the weapons out of the wall of the training room at the Magic Box ("Grave")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow grinning after successfully sending the troll Olaf to another dimension ("Triangle")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow smiling at Buffy in Buffy's former bedroom ("Same Time, Same Place")
- Alyson Hannigan credited: Willow looking worried at Buffy's weapon chest, after Xander takes all the weapons to kill Spike ("Entropy")
- A shot of Teeth's two vampire lackeys standing at the front door of the Magic Box, cutting to a shot of the Scooby Gang screaming and then Buffy shutting the door ("Tabula Rasa")
- Willow's face reacting to the temporal fold spell ("The Wish")
- (All the following clips are shown in quick succession)
- Karen running through Jonathan's garden ("Superstar")
- A zooming clip of a graveyard (shown in a montage ("Buffy vs. Dracula")
- Willow, Tara and Glory in a bright light as Willow restores Tara's sanity ("The Gift")
- The demon Toth standing next to a bright yellowish cauldron ("The Replacement")
- A zoomed-in shot of Sineya's eyes as she takes out Xander's heart ("Restless")
- Fire coming at the screen (?)
- Buffy jumping from the top of the tower towards Glory's portal bellow ("The Gift")
- A brief shot of energy clashing from the portal ("The Gift")
- Buffy spinning a stake in her hand ("The Freshman")
- Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles walking through the hall of the Lowell House (Animations are shown before and in the middle of this clip/"Primeval")
- Joss Whedon credited: A panning shot of the First Evil (disguised as Buffy) looking down at Spike in the new Sunnydale High School's basement ("Lessons")
- ↑ Dino-Ray Ramos, "Margo Chase Dies In Plane Crash: Chase Design Group Founder Created 'Buffy' & 'Angel' Logos." Deadline, July 25, 2017.
- ↑ "Nerf Herder Interview." Members.lycos.co.uk. Archived from the original on July 20, 2008.
- ↑ Joss Whedon, The Complete First Season on DVD; audio commentaries for "Welcome to the Hellmouth." 20th Century Studios, January 15, 2002.
- ↑ Matt Springer, "Slayerpalooza." Buffy the Vampire Slayer Magazine (UK) #1, October 1999.