Buffyverse Wiki
Buffyverse Wiki

Hey, nothing wrong with an aggressive female.
―Blayne Mall[src]

Blayne Mall was a student at Sunnydale High School in 1996 and a member of the Sunnydale Razorbacks football team.[1]


One night in the Bronze, Blayne told a friend about his sexual conquers amounted to seven women.[1]

Like all the boys in biology class, Blayne was quite taken with the beautiful substitute teacher. After Ms. French said that the female praying mantis was quite aggressive, he turned to Buffy and remarked there was "nothing wrong with an aggressive female."[1]

Blayne was the first boy to volunteer assisting Ms. French in making model egg sacs for the science fair. However, it turned out Ms. French was actually a giant praying mantis, bent on mating with virgin males. Blayne was caged in her basement, where he was joined by Xander the following day; he explained to him how she would force others to mate with her then eat her victim.[1]

The Scooby Gang discovered the She-Mantis only attacked virgin boys, and Buffy soon rescued both boys. Blayne claimed his father was a lawyer and he'd sue if anyone spoke of what had happened.[1]

Behind the scenes[]




