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"A Dark Place, Part One" was the first issue of the Spike: A Dark Place comic book series.


Feeling depressed, Spike had ordered his bugs to take him to the dark side of the moon, without revealing his objective for the journey. While there, Spike lamented his relationship with Buffy, while the bugs determined it was time for them to intervene. They caught him and forcibly brought him to the solarium. Although Spike feared that they would let him burn in the sunlight, in fact, the bugs had redressed the room to look like a beach and had replaced the regular glass with Necrotempered glass.

Meanwhile some lunar demons gathered around the ship. Although initially appreciative of the new solarium, Spike subsequently rejected it and while getting dressed again, a Moon Frog jumped onto the solarium. Spike immediately ordered a bug squad to attack it in protection of the ship. However, when they opened the hatch, the creature crawled in and attacked them. The bugs fled, believing their prophesied Night of the Long Tongues was upon them. Spike attacked it and led it to the solarium, but there he was ambushed and captured by other lunar demons.

Having captured Spike, the demons forced the bugs to lift off, making plans to jettison Spike, was they were in Space.


The story was set after "Apart (of Me)", but before "Death and Consequences, Part Three"



Organizations and Titles




  • The Moon

Weapons and Objects

Death Count

Behind the Scenes


Pop Culture References


Sebastion: "Never would I question one of your majesty's brillant plans, but what purpose is served by our being here?"
Spike: "Get bent."
Sebastion: "Thank you, sire."
Spike: "It will always be darkness for me, luv. My sort can't take the light, can they?"
Sebastion: "We used this as a guide, from a periodical Miss Buffy left behind. It appears sunny and restful."
Spike: "Madison Avenue Tripe, designed to dupe the slack-jawed masses into thinking a six-pack of cold suds can numb them from their dreary lives. Everyone knows that."
Sebastion: "What is that hideous thing?!"
Spike: "Dunno. Moon Frog?"
Spike: "Fact is, I quite liked the fake beach. But nobody likes feeling suckered. There was a time when I thought Buffy was pregnant and I could take care of her and we'd maybe have a play at a normal life. Talk about fooling yourself. Is there any clearer sign you've become a boring git than being pitied by the bugs?"


